Coin Collecting: An Established Hobby

Coin Collecting An Established Hobby

Following the death of Her Late Majesty, demand for any Queen Elizabeth coin has surged, and the greater accessibility brought by the internet means enthusiasts no longer have to travel the length and breadth of the country to attend special events and fairs.

Is the hobby of coin collecting becoming more mainstream? We spoke with heritage British coin expert Peter Hutchison who advised that there has never been a more interesting time to become a coin enthusiast than now…

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A New Generation of Coin Enthusiasts

Coin Collecting

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II has marked the biggest change in public life that the majority of people have ever encountered. New coins bearing the portrait of King Charles III have now entered circulation and alongside those of his mother; the first time in two generations that there have been coins with two different monarchs in circulation.

Living through this significant moment of history will spark new interests for some, and Peter Hutchison, heritage British coin expert, has given his view on a new generation of coin enthusiasts…

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The History of the Christmas Broadcast

The Royal Christmas Broadcast at 3:00pm on 25th December is an important part of the Christmas Day festivities for many in Britain, and this year, for the first time in seventy years, we will see the speech being delivered by a new monarch; King Charles III.

This annual tradition creates a sense of continuity for the public and gives an opportunity for the monarch to speak directly to the British people. But where did it all begin? Here, we will be exploring the history of the Christmas broadcast.

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