Victoria Day

Victoria Day

This year, Victoria Day will be celebrated on the 23rd May. Initially in recognition of Queen Victoria’s birthday, it has since been considered as a celebration for the official birthday of Canada’s sovereign and the beginning of summer season in Canada.

In our latest blog, we will be exploring the history of Victoria Day.

What is Victoria Day?

Victoria Day is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday preceding May 25. Long before Confederation, the birthday of Queen Victoria was a day of celebration in Canada, with the first event legislation being passed by the parliament of the Province of Canada in 1845 to officially recognise the 24th May as the Queen’s birthday.

Following the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, it was made law for the 24th May to be officially known as ‘Victoria Day’, a day to remember the queen who was deemed ‘The Mother of Confederation’, and it was officially declared as a Canadian public holiday. In 1952, an amendment to the laws of Canada established that Victoria Day would be celebrated on the Monday preceding 25th May.

Why is it important?

Queen Victoria was a crucial figure in Canada, especially because she held the throne in 1867 when they were granted their independence as an entity of the British Empire. She was also responsible for making Ottawa the nation’s capital city. Up until 1956, the succeeding monarch’s birthday would be celebrated on either their actual birthday, or on Queen Victoria’s. When Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne in 1952, Victoria Day became known as her official birthday in Canada, even though her birthday is actually in April.

Canada is the only country that has an official holiday to commemorate Queen Victoria. Throughout the day, the Royal Union flag is flown alongside the National flag at all federal government buildings to mark the occasion. Several cities hold a parade for the holiday, and other celebrations include a 21-gun salute and an evening firework show. In Ottawa, the tradition Trooping of the Queen’s Colour ceremony also takes place on the day. Unofficially, this day marks the start of summer for Canada and it is celebrated with some Canadians getting a day off work.


To celebrate Queen Victoria and her remarkable reign, we have a new series of sovereigns that you can secure HERE.