The 2022 Tutankhamun Discovery 100th Anniversary Gold Sovereign Range


On 4th November 1922, the tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered, sparking quite simply one of the richest and most important archaeological discoveries of all time. For some 3,000 years, the burial site of the young Egyptian pharaoh had lain unknown until British archaeologist Howard Carter located it in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor.

Even today, a whole century after the discovery was made, the name Tutankhamun is still associated with the riches of ancient Egypt, and Howard Carter must rank as the most famous archaeologist of all time. To celebrate the 100th year anniversary of this discovery, an important gold sovereign ‘first’ series has been released, simulating these gold treasures emerging from the dark. Introducing The 2022 Tutankhamun Discovery 100th Anniversary Gold Sovereign Range, and in particular, the quarter sovereign…

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