Queen Elizabeth II Through The Decades – The Sixties


The 1960’s started with President John F. Kennedy stating that by the end of the decade we would put a man on the moon, and it ended with that promise fulfilled. It was the decade of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Martin Luther King Jr. famously stating “I Have a Dream”. In Britain, Queen Elizabeth II was about to welcome a new member to the family.

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The Threepence – Queen Victoria to Decimalisation

Threepence set

The Threepence or “Thruppence” or “Thrupenny Bit”, as it has often been referred to, is one of the most recognisable coins in British coinage. It has a long history, with many different monarch’s portraits adorning its obverse, and numerous different designs to its reverse. Here we specifically take a look at the coin from the reign of Queen Victoria through to it ceasing to become legal tender due to Decimalisation in 1971.

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Diana…The “People’s Princess”

Princess Diana once famously stated in an interview, that she wished to be “a Queen of people’s hearts”. After her tragic death at the age of just 36, the then Prime Minister Tony Blair in a statement said: “They liked her, they loved her, they regarded her as one of the people. She was the ‘People’s Princess'”. And that’s how she will stay, how she will remain, in our hearts and in our memories, forever.”

Here, we take a look back at the life and tireless charity work, that has made her loved by millions all over the world.

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