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New Releases

    • This year’s centenary has brought about the minting of the first sovereign coins ever to feature this iconic locomotive
    • The design shows a head-on view of Flying Scotsman as it was when it first went on display to the public in 1924
    • The image of Flying Scotsman is struck onto the coin and is then colour-overlaid with the 1924 livery in green, black and red, displaying its famous number ‘4472’
    • Struck in solid 22 carat gold
    • Limited to only 5,999 coins
    • Exclusive to Hattons of London
    • VAT exempt
    • This year’s centenary has brought about the minting of the first sovereign coins ever to feature this iconic locomotive
    • The design features the right section of the superb side view of Flying Scotsman as it was when it first went on display to the public in 1924, colour-overlaid, along with the name FLYING SCOTSMAN and the date 2024, denoting the 100th anniversary of its naming
    • The image of Flying Scotsman is struck onto the coin and is then colour-overlaid with the 1924 livery in green, black and red
    • Struck in solid 22 carat gold
    • Limited to only 1,350 coins
    • Exclusive to Hattons of London
    • VAT exempt
    • This year’s centenary has brought about the minting of the first sovereign coins ever to feature this iconic locomotive
    • Comprised of four coins: the one-eighth sovereign which shows ahead-on view of Flying Scotsman as it was when it first went on display to the public in1924. Also included are the quarter sovereign, half sovereign and sovereign which feature a superb three-coin side view of the locomotive and tender
    • The image of Flying Scotsman is struck onto the coin and is then colour-overlaid with the 1924 livery in green, black and red
    • Struck in solid 22 carat gold
    • Exclusive to Hattons of London
    • VAT exempt
    • This year’s centenary has brought about the minting of the first sovereign coins ever to feature this iconic locomotive
    • Comprised of three coins: the one-eighth sovereign which shows ahead-on view of Flying Scotsman as it was when it first went on display to the public in1924. Also included are the quarter sovereign and half sovereign which feature a superb side view of the locomotive and tender
    • The image of Flying Scotsman is struck onto the coin and is then colour-overlaid with the 1924 livery in green, black and red
    • Struck in solid 22 carat gold
    • Exclusive to Hattons of London
    • VAT exempt
    • The first one eighth sovereign ever to feature genuine metal from a World War Two Spitfire laid into the design.
    • The central design shows a ‘plan view’ of the Spitfire from both the air and the ground, inspired by the Spotter Cards used by the public during the War
    • Struck in solid 22 carat gold
    • Limited to only 2,999 coins
    • Exclusive to Hattons of London
    • VAT exemptSSAFA
    • The first sovereign ever to feature genuine metal from a World War Two Spitfire laid into the design.
    • The central design shows a ‘plan view’ of the Hawker Hurricane from both the air and the ground, inspired by the Spotter Cards used by the public during the War
    • Struck in solid 22 carat gold
    • Limited to only 1,018 coins
    • Exclusive to Hattons of London
    • VAT exemptSSAFA
    • The first sovereign coins ever to feature genuine metal from a World War Two Spitfire laid into the design
    • Each design shows a ‘plan view’ of the aircraft from the ground, inspired by the Spotter Cards used by the public during the War
    • Struck in solid 22 carat gold
    • Exclusive to Hattons of London
    • VAT exemptSSAFA

Product Spotlight


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