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The 2022 Platinum Jubilee Tower in Bloom Struck-on-the-Day Gold Sovereign


4.82 out of 5
  • This sovereign coin was struck on Her Late Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee – 5th June 2022
  • Comes with a numbered Certificate of Authenticity – you will be issued with the lowest number available
  • Features coloured flowers against a backdrop of the Tower of London
  • Limited to only 499 coins!
  • Struck in 22 carat gold
  • Highest possible proof quality
  • Comes with a numbered Certificate of Authenticity
  • Exclusive to Hattons of London
  • VAT exempt

Sold Out


This year has been a year of great celebration for the entire nation as The Late Queen Elizabeth II became the first monarch in our history to reach a Platinum Jubilee – 70 years as monarch.

On Platinum Jubilee Sunday – the main day of celebration on the Platinum Jubilee weekend – some very special gold sovereign coins were minted. They were ONLY  minted on that very day, and include a certificate that confirms as such.

As their minting was restricted to just one day, the number of coins produced is likewise very limited – just 499 gold sovereigns were minted. The design has only been used for the strikings of these Sovereigns on this one day making the coins minted on Sunday 5th June among the most exclusive of gold coins celebrating Her Late Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

The design shows the Tower of London, an historic monument which, for centuries, has been closely associated with the monarchy in Britain. Also in the design is an arrangement of summer flowers, in full colour! What a superb way to celebrate Her Late Majesty’s Jubilee – a massive posy of congratulations, as it were – on this superb proof quality gold coin.

The flowers shown include Lily of the valley, which were The Late Queen’s favourite flower. The other flowers are species that will flower during the summer (Cosmo, Gerbera, Rudbekia, Blue cornflower) and are likely to have been used in arrangements and gardens throughout the country during this summer of celebration.

Each coin has a numbered Certificate of Authenticity and plaque.

Additional information







Metal type

Gold 22 carat

Mintage limitation



Highest possible Proof Quality


Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

Issuing Authority

Tristan Da Cunha

Accompanied by

Each coin was struck on the 5th June 2022 with a numbered Certificate of Authenticity. You will be issued with the lowest number available.

Payment Information

Coin price: £1,199.00

Postage and Packing: Included

There are 9 instalment plans available:

£119.99 (10%) deposit with 3 interest-free instalments of £359.67, or
£120.02 (10%) deposit with 6 interest-free instalments of £179.83, or
£120.00 (10%) deposit with 10 interest-free instalments of £107.90

£299.99 (25%) deposit with 3 interest-free instalments of £299.67, or
£300.02 (25%) deposit with 6 interest-free instalments of £149.83, or
£300.00 (25%) deposit with 10 interest-free instalments of £89.90

£599.99 (50%) deposit with 3 interest-free instalments of £199.67, or
£600.02 (50%) deposit with 6 interest-free instalments of £99.83, or
£600.00 (50%) deposit with 10 interest-free instalments of £59.90

VAT: Exempt

Delivery and Returns Information

Current expected delivery time: Specific delivery times for this product can be found here

Returns Information:We offer a 60 day complete satisfaction guarantee in addition to your statutory rights.

To return a product, please ensure you follow the instructions here

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