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The 2023 Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III Gold Proof Sovereign

The 2023 Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III Gold Proof Sovereign


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  • Features the official crowned coinage portrait of His Majesty King Charles III, by Martin Jennings
  • Struck to celebrate the coronation of His Majesty The King
  • Struck in 22 carat gold
  • Highest possible Proof  quality

In stock

Interest-free instalments available


On 6th May 2023, King Charles III became the first British monarch to be crowned in the 21st century. Not since 1953 have people lived through such an historic event, and many will not do so again. The world is a very different place to that of the late Elizabeth II, but one that still holds dear the longstanding traditions of ceremony and celebration. For years to come, people will ask: “Where were you when the King was crowned?”.

This is a great moment for Britain, and because of its significance, Royal Mint produced an exceptional proof gold sovereign celebrating this historic event.

It features the official crowned portrait of His Majesty King Charles III on the obverse, designed by Martin Jennings, capturing the essence of his coronation ceremony.

The reverse side features St George and the dragon by Benedetto Pistrucci, which first appeared on sovereign in 1817.

Only 15,000 were minted

Additional information



Metal type

Gold 22 carat

Metal Fineness


Accompanied by

Certificate of Authenticity and display box

Payment Information

Coin price: £999

Postage and Packing: Included

Instalments available: 4

The first instalment payable today of £198, plus:

3 interest-free instalments of £267, or
2 interest-free instalments of £400.50, or
1 interest-free instalment of £801

 VAT: Exempt

Delivery and Returns Information

Current expected delivery time: Specific delivery times for this product can be found here

Returns Information: We offer a 60 day complete satisfaction guarantee in addition to your statutory rights.

To return a product,please ensure you follow the instructions here

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